A beginner’s guide to gh-pages

peris ndanu
2 min readJan 18, 2021

Gh-pages is a Github hosting solution that is absolutely free for everybody. In this tutorial, I will take you through the steps on how to achieve it.

  1. Create an account on Github. You can follow this Link https://github.com/
  2. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll create a new repository to get started. Go to your profile page. Your URL will look like this: github.com/your-username
    * Click on the New Repository tab
    * Click New
  3. Your website’s files will live in a repository named username.github.io (where “username” is your actual GitHub user name). To begin setting up your site, you have to open the Settings tab

4. If you scroll down on the settings page, you’ll see the GitHub Pages section near the bottom.

5.You can change the branch where you want to deploy your code. To change the branch click on Source.

6. A list of available git branches will be shown. Click on the branch with the latest changes eg feature.
Once you are done, click on save. A link will be generated as shown below.

Voila !!!! Your webpage is now live.

