peris ndanu
2 min readMay 18, 2020

I used to obsess over wanting to learn all the “cool languages” i.e python, node js, angular. I even purchased tons of programming stickers and pasted them on my computer 😆, I mean who doesn’t want to look cool?. I rushed through tutorials, signed up for online classes, did the #100DaysOfCode challenges on twitter. Did I get better you ask?, Of course not! I was too obsessed with learning everything at once I forgot about the basics. I was too overwhelmed, and I began to dislike programming.

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One day I came across an opportunity at Microverse, where I get to learn for FREE and don’t pay until I get a job. I am a freebie lover, I don’t know about you but I checked it out. It's an intense program that starts you out from the bottom. You guessed it, HTML and CSS. Three weeks into the program and I can make a clone a website using pure HTML and CSS. Three points that worked out for me:-

Image courtesy of Google

Learn the basics — Don’t rush to the big league languages. You will get there. Basics are important, I can’t stress this enough. I went from writing 0 lines of CSS and HTML to creating a full clone website from scratch.

Pair programming — Never underestimate its power. Having someone whom both parties are accountable is a great way to learn more and stay disciplined. The driver-navigator style is the best.

Image courtesy of Google

Ask for feedback — You can never have enough feedback. It is not meant to harass you or make you feel inadequate but to make you a better programmer. (Shout out to #team-122-the-manx 😆)

